While fans across the globe are remembering Arnold Palmer’s numerous golf achievements, Aero Law Group and the aviation industry will focus our thoughts on his love for flying and advocacy of business aviation.
A 2011 article in Golf Digest recognized that Palmer’s golfing successes were accompanied by several remarkable aviation achievements. One of those moments that is dear to Kevin and Tim Austin of Aero Law Group is when in 1969 Palmer piloted a Boeing 747 before the aircraft had gone into commercial service. The Austin’s late father James R. Austin was at that time Director of Program Management for the 747 Division, and was able to host the famed golfer in connection with that event.
With that love of flying, Arnold Palmer became a strong advocate for business aviation. As a member of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), he frequently attended and spoke at conventions and in 2010 was recognized with the association’s Meritorious Service to Aviation Award for his dedication to business aviation.
When Palmer decided not to renew his pilot’s license in 2011, he is quoted as saying, “I’ll still be flying in my plane as much as always, just not in the cockpit. Flying has been one of the great things in my life. It’s taken me to the far corners of the world. I met thousands of people I otherwise wouldn’t have met. And I even got to play a little golf along the way.”
For more information about Arnold Palmer’s partnership with NBAA, read this tribute.